People leaving their trash around the store isn't new but its grossness bumped up a level in the era of the coronApocalypse.
While I've lamented the shuttering of the in store coffee shop I really don't miss cleaning up discarded drinks people used to leave all over the place. Not to worry though, while there's an absence of half empty coffees to deal with there's an abundance of used disinfecting wipes our store provides to customers for wiping down the handle of their shopping carts. (As it stands one of the few things our store is regularly cleaning are cart handles but hey there's no such thing as too clean right now)
Unfortunately and pretty disgustingly these wipes then show up all over the store. This is particularly gross for us over in the food and beverage department where we fairly regularly find used wipes thrown onto shelves with food. I'm willing to bet most people don't throw their trash into their cupboard at home but apparently when you're out shopping its no biggy, the essential workers will clean that up for you.
I even found one in the freezer the other day. Someone literally carried that wipe from the front of the store, past many trash receptacles, opened the freezer door, and threw it in there.
I griped to my friend in produce about this affront and he told me that it happens all the time in the open coolers in the middle of his section. (You know the kind that go waste high, have sides but not top, and you can walk all the way around)
I would have assumed that folks who are germ sensitive enough to go out of their way to wipe down their cart would also be aware that ditching your trash where other people are shopping for food is pretty dirty...
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